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      2. 襄陽汽車軸承股份有限公司

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        您當前的位置:首頁 > Company news > ZXY attend to 2022 China internal bearing exhibition

        ZXY attend to 2022 China internal bearing exhibition

        作者:襄陽軸承   時間:2023/3/14 7:43:39  點擊次數(shù):4424次

            From March 7th to 10th, the 18th China International Bearing and Special Equipment Exhibition was held in Shanghai, and the highlight of ZXY once again shone in the venue. At the International Bearing Summit, Gao Shaobing, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the company, gave an  speech, introducing the results of the structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading of the ZXY, and providing suggestions for the development of the industry.

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