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      2. Xiangyang Auto Bearing Co., Ltd

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        Your current location:Home > News center > Company news > Directors of workshops visit Tri-ring Forging company

        Directors of workshops visit Tri-ring Forging company

        Author:襄陽軸承   Date:2016/4/5 10:32:44  Clicks:10050

        Directors of workshops with concerned personnels(in total 15 persons as one team) visit Tri-ring Forging company. They studiedand communicated with Forging company staff how lean management making progress.  The learning and comunicating activity wasled by the vice general manager of the company Wang Guanbing. The generalmanager of Forging company Mr. Zhang Yunjun warmly welcomed ZXY team and accompaniedin the whole process for communication.

        The activity was divided into 2 parts, firstlythe Lean production department of Forging company used PPT to intoduce theworking status of lean management, including on-sit management, policymanagement, improvement activities, inventory turnover rate of specialimprovement and so forth. After the introduction, the both sides came to seethe on-site of workshop, Mr. Zhang Yunjun showed ZXY team the whole process of steering knuckle, from blanking to finished productsclearance and put into storage after packing. The bothsides concentrate on the major point and made discussion aiming on the problemsin management

        The activity of study and comunicationmotivated the directors, great progress has been made in the fields of on-site 5Smanagement, visual management, equipment TPM maintenance, energy saving andconsumption reduction since Forging company adopted lean management system ,and created a significant economic benefits for enterprises. Especially since Daimlermanagemnt system completely been implemented by 2015, products quality hadqualitative leap, more normalized and standardized in each management project.The directors have benefited a lot on lean managemet of on-site and otherfields from Forging company.





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