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      2. Xiangyang Auto Bearing Co., Ltd

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        Your current location:Home > News center > Company news > The First Quarter of 2014 Have Got off to a Flying Start

        The First Quarter of 2014 Have Got off to a Flying Start

        Author:襄陽軸承   Date:2014/4/9 15:29:40  Clicks:11644

        Xiangyang, April 9, 2014 The first quarter of 2014 have got off to a flying start. Finished outputvalue in the first quarter has increase 29% than the same period of last year. Sincethis year, ZXY production systems intensify process management and delicacymanagement; strengthen dispatch command and executive force, according to the strategictarget of structural adjustment, top level and internationalization. With thejoint effort of all the department staff and workers, the first quarter makes agood beginning and establishes solid foundation of the whole year productiontask.

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